Your Site Details

A website is only as good as its content. Here’s a list of content to start gathering so we can hit the ground running.
Let the fun begin!

Content Checklist


  1. Service List

  2. Description of each service you offer

  3. Pricing for each of your services

  4. Process outline

  5. Timelines

  6. Would you like an inquiry form? What fields would you like included in the form?


  1. Categories (if any)

  2. Portfolio images* (and descriptions if desired, indicate any you’d like featured)

  3. Before / after images*

    *It’s best to provide photos that represent your proudest work and the type of jobs/projects you want more of. All photos should be the highest quality versions. Photos taken on professional cameras are ideal.


  1. Who you are

  2. What you do

  3. Who you serve

  4. Brand / Business bio

  5. Your team

  6. Images* of—

    • You / your team

    • Your shop / studio / showroom - interior & exterior

    • Behind the scenes / on the job

      *A mix of candid and formal images work well. A variety of angles and close ups are helpful. All photos should be the highest quality versions. Photos taken on professional cameras are ideal.

Building Trust

  1. Testimonials / reviews

  2. Brand partners / affiliates / associations (list & links / logo images)

  3. Awards / press / news (list & links / documents / images)

  4. Frequently asked questions


You can utilize forms throughout your site to acquire different information from site visitors.
Examples: general contact , quote request, service inquiry form, newsletter subscription form, etc.

Please indicate what types of forms you’d like included & the details you’d like to collect in each.

  1. Form type / placement

  2. Form fields / text for each (indicate required fields)

  3. Post-submit text / redirect


  1. Logo* (all versions available - full, text only, icon only, optimized for social media, any variants)

    *.png format ideal with transparent backgrounds

  2. Brand colors / patterns / marks (with color codes if available)

  3. Brand / niche keywords

  4. Desired calls to action / phrases / brand words

  5. List of imagery related to your niche / industry

  6. Photos of you / you working / in your studio / on the job

  7. Lookbook

  8. Marketing materials

  9. Anything extra you’d like included


  1. Terms & Conditions

  2. Privacy Policy (recommendations available if needed)

  3. Full legal business name (for copyright in footer)

  4. Anything extra you’d like included (disclaimers, return policies, etc.)

You’ve got this!