Celebrating my current love of life & how far I’ve come since writing…

Only the Shadow Knows

by Tara Nikki xo




I started journaling in 2013, over 10-years ago— this is that journal ❤︎

It’s the piece that cracked me open.

❤︎ Reading it back has opened my eyes to the different sides of myself

❤︎ Brought to light parts of me that were lost in the dark & wanted finding

❤︎ And ultimately, it’s helped me see what I’ve needed to move forward

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

I embrace this piece
in honor of the version of me that wrote it.

With this piece, I release all thoughts & feelings that no longer serve me
— doubt, shame, guilt, abandonment, confusion, lack, inadequacy, anger, and fear —
& embrace every version of my*self fully in unconditional love.

this is the journey back to me

— experience the beginning from 2013 to 2018


Thank you for seeing me for me
And I hope it helps if you see some of you, too ❤︎

Only the Shadow Knows

by Tara Nikki xo

You’ll encounter a mix of raw emotion, thoughts, questions, rhyme, reason, musings, realizations, reflections & everything in-between.

Click the book image to preview the first few pages & see how cool my writing style is.

You’ll totally love it!


You’ll at least get to imagine my voice saying all these things that you probably never thought you’d hear me say.

That’s cool too right?

Plus it’s only $11.11 — make a wish!

I hope it comes true :)

Too busy to read
or just not your thing?

But still want to support the vision… plus maybe an audio book or sequel?



Thank you!!

Have any questions or comments from the book?

Please drop them here >>

notes from
the Author

I am so proud of myself for making it through my own darkness.

I am so proud of myself for getting to this place I am now.

I am so proud I never gave up on myself.

I’m so proud I listened to myself.

I’m so proud I held onto hope.

I’m so proud.

I’m so proud I faced all the discomfort.

I’m so proud I had all the tough conversations.

I’m so proud I allowed myself to feel what I feel and say what I needed to say.

I’m so proud.

I’m so proud of the girl I was and the woman I’ve become.

I’m so proud. 

I stand tall knowing that I fought to be here.

The fight was for my internal peace.

I stand tall knowing that I have arrived the victor.

I stand tall knowing I am. 

I’m so proud that I turned my pain into my power.

For before that I felt drained,

And now I am filled with light. 

To everyone

Identifying the source of pain is sometimes the hardest part. The process is usually one of elimination, keep trying until something works and it will. Bit by bit you’ll get there. Just keep going. Just keep getting up. 

You are loved and important. Even if you don’t believe it right now, we will hold the belief for you until you do. We will stand around you and show you every day that you are so that you can see in yourself what we already see in you. You are radiant. You are now in the process of remembering how to shine. With every step you will see your brightness grow and soon you too will know yourself to be the very light that we all seem to be is the brilliance of your own light reflecting back for you to see.

It was in you all along. You are the source. You are the key. You are the one you wish to be. To know. To love. You are the one. Sent from above. So save yourself. Look to the stars. And know your heart is bright like ours.

To all Artists, Musicians & beyond

If you are feeling stuck not knowing what to create— you’re welcome to use these as prompts, translate them and carry on the shares. Your work will be experienced in ways deeper than you may ever know. Your unique expression is valuable and needed. 

Thanks you to all you artists already sharing your work out there. Here’s the art that helped me see, what I could see in me. Put words to what I could put words to. Helped me know I was not alone. Thank you!

To anyone who is a parent

Our children inherit all the trauma we inherited from our parents and have not yet ourselves worked through. Until someone is brave enough to face it, the pain of it will continue living on in many manifested forms. If you are able to look it in the eye, you can help change your child’s life and give them a leg up that they wouldn’t have otherwise. Give them the gift of your lightness. Do this by transforming your own hurt, fear & sadness. You are so loved.

Please Help

Please help in reaching the souls that feel lost & defeated, who are sad, depressed & isolating, who want to move forward but don’t know where to turn. Please help reach them. 

Please help reach them by showing them love and grace and kindness in any way you can. Their hearts are fragile, help hold them with care. 

If they’re willing to speak, listen. If you notice something off, be a friend. If you don’t know how to help, don’t stop trying to get through— unless they ask you not to.

You can help by sharing more of yourself with them, opening deeper avenues of communication, showing that they are not alone, we’re in this together and victory is possible. 

Because I was kind & wore a smile, no one ever thought I wasn’t okay.
I suffered in silence. We never know what anyone is really going through on the inside.

Here’s to us all—
may we all find our way to MORE than okay!


the Lens of Joy

Please SHARE the many aspects of joy through your eyes,
all the many ways it shows up.

What do you do for leisure?

What do you do for fun?

What gives back to you & makes you feel lighter than before you begun?

I want to hear it all!!

Thanks for being you, for your support & for the beautiful role you play in this world.


You help us all see the way through!

We celebrate YOU!